Hello world!

Sharing is caring.

Every time I’ve thought of starting a blog about software development at NC State I got about this far then immediately started self-censoring what I should say.  Today it dawned on me that my talents are less authorial and more editorial.  Today I asked myself, are there developers out there that have a post or two in them, but really can’t afford the time sink of a regular blog?  Today I said out loud, “OIT makes it too easy for folks with ideas to just go off and implement them!”  So, here we are.

If you’re a developer and want to get in on this gig, send your blog post to me in an email–huck@ncsu.edu.  I’ll publish it in full, using your real name and such, and you’ll be able to brag that you are a caring developer at NC State University.

If you’re a developer and could care less about submitting something, feel free to lurk.  If someone recommends a post you have out in Internetland, I may excerpt it and point at it anyway.

Best Regards,
Margaret Hudacko